Looks like a frog statue This colorful frog is called a dart frog. They are also called poison frogs and poison dart frogs. I'm already curious about its unique appearance. Join me today about Dartfrock. Let’s find out

How difficult is it to raise a Dart frog?

Dartfrog (poison dart frog) is found in nature. Eating poisonous insect It is said that it can acquire poison. In the past, indigenous people harvested the poison from dartfrogs. We hunted by putting poison on the tip of the arrowhead.

1. Dartfrog toxicity

Fortunately, dart frogs eat poisonous food. Because you can't make poison if you don't eat it. They say it is possible to raise them at home.

1. Dartfrog toxicity

The lifespan of a dart frock grown at home i It is said to be about 3 to 10 years.

Dartfrog lifespan

Types of dart frogs (poison dart frogs) Strawberry poison arrow frog, golden poison arrow frog, There are various things such as cobalt poison dart frogs .

Dartfrog Types

Among amphibians, dartfrogs are They say it is easy to grow. The dartfrog's main diet is fruit flies. For reference, rather than growing a dartfrock, It is said that it is difficult to raise fruit flies, which are food

Dartfrock Farm grows vivarium. The aviary has a temperature and humidity suitable for dart frocks. All you need is good ventilation. I was interested in the cute looking dart frock. I’m not confident in raising fruit flie