Dog imaginary pregnancy

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Imaginary pregnancy in dogs occurs in dogs that have not been neutered. As a symptom, a person's imaginary pregnancy is psychologically It's a physical symptom that makes you think you're pregnant. A dog with an imaginary pregnancy is a delegate. Any female that is not neutered, meaning a false pregnancy. It appears in dogs and the severity of symptoms varies.

Dog imaginary pregnancy

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There are times when you can't see it. Dog menstruation is a period of preparation for pregnancy. After a dog's period, the hormones released from the body during pregnancy are released. Because it comes out, it looks different than usual.

Dog imagination pregnancy symptoms

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Symptoms of imaginary pregnancy in dogs may appear physically. It also appears as a tendency. Physical dog imaginary pregnancy The stomach and mammary glands swell and milk comes out Vaginal discharge and frequent urination Appears similar to pregnancy In severe cases, symptoms such as morning sickness and vomiting may occur.

Dog imagination pregnancy symptoms

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Because the dog thinks it's pregnant When you become attached to something and try to protect it They may show defensive behavior At this time, you react anxiously or sensitively. Decreased activity level, sleeping more and decreased appetite Looking for a dark corner It's similar to dog pregnancy.

Cause of imaginary pregnancy

The exact cause of imaginary pregnancy is unknown, but Due to hormonal imbalance, which is a physical characteristic of dogs, Predicting the cause Helps maintain pregnancy when a dog has his period As progesterone decreases, prolactin Excessive secretion of mammary stimulating hormone may occur. At this time, progesterone is maintained, causing a false pregnancy. For females that are not spayed or neutered More than 50% of cases are caused by this hormone.

How to solve dog imaginary pregnancy

The solution to imaginary pregnancy in dogs is hormonal treatment. But I don't think it's very effective. If you do not give birth to a puppy, the puppy's physical and They say neutering is necessary for mental health.

How to solve dog imaginary pregnancy

If your dog's imaginary pregnancy is clearly visible, Because it could get worse in the future If you don't plan on giving birth, it's better to get neutered. Because neutering is optional for the guardian. Please consider it carefully before making your decision. Also, neutering surgery cannot be performed during a false pregnancy. Decrease progesterone level

How to solve dog imaginary pregnancy

Because it increases prolactin secretion If neutering surgery is performed at this time, a false pregnancy may occur. Since it is maintained, I have to avoid this time and get neutered surgery. It is best to do this 4 to 5 months after the estrus period has passed. After discussion at the hospital, treatment is tailored to the dog's situation. I hope you decide Dog imaginary pregnancy occurs about one month to one and a half months after menstruation. When hormones decrease, symptoms disappear.

Care method after imaginary pregnancy

As long as you don’t overdo it by walking your dog and exercising. Helps relieve stre Divert your attention with nose work and toys. #dogimaginarypregnancymilk Because your body thinks you're pregnant. A dog's imaginary pregnancy may produce milk. If you keep licking the breast, it stimulates the mammary glands. Because mastitis occurs or promotes its production Please use a neck collar to avoid licking the breast.