Dogs can see ghost I have a saying. Is this really true?! Trainer Kang Hyeong-wook said, Nonono~! They say that's not true at all. Then the dog There's nothing in front of me Why do I keep barking?

Can dogs really see ghosts?

It will definitely be quiet and special It was a daily life that seemed like nothing. When a dog bark I was shocked for a moment. Besides, if you're alone The dog is looking somewhere else When you bark, it can be scary for a moment. He said. lol I took him out for a walk at night As if someone was suddenly there Even when you start barking I got really scared.

Can dogs really see ghosts?

Dogs have very good hearing Excellent~! As the saying goes, the ability to smell is also Excellent, but not as good as the sense of smell Your hearing is amazing! Even sounds of frequencies that humans cannot hear. I can hear everything. Especially early in the morning or on a quiet night.

Dogs have excellent hearing!

When a dog barks while looking into space I'm getting more scared of seeing a ghost. Because it's quiet, Too far away to a dog's ear Even the small sounds you hear It is said to be sensitive!

Dogs have excellent hearing!

We, my Dog  are also sensitive to our senses. When it comes to dawn I bark at the sound of early morning delivery. Sometimes I wake up while sleeping It also barks. lol I also get startled while sleeping. Let's do it.

Dogs have excellent hearing!

If suddenly barking in the air often without stopping, and If it lasts for a long time Dog suffering from chronic stre You might think you're suffering They say there is! Is there anything uncomfortable? Please take a good look at every part of your body!

Dogs have excellent hearing!

Something has changed at home There is a state of dissatisfaction Check carefully to see if there is anything wrong with your health. please.

Dogs have excellent hearing!

When you live with people, the sound of dogs barking i In fact, there are times when I feel stressed. There are many, The cat meow It's normal for dogs to bark~ haha Sometimes I bark into space It's because I'm scared haha Anyway, seeing ghosts is a superstition!